My incredible yoga teacher tells me it’s detox month…isn’t Vinyasa 3 hard enough? While twisting to ‘wring out my liver,’ I do wonder if the multiple coffees prior and the wine the night before was a great idea. I’ll always want my cake and eat it, too. The sign at my parents cottage reads ‘Temperance’ – they used to tell us it meant moderation (um, it’s abstinence...). So I say, you can have it all, praise moderation. Drink good wine, drink coffee, work your hardest and get tons of exercise, fresh air and eat really well: fresh, local, homemade. Detox spring clean your body, but don’t take the joy and fun out of living.
Trish’s round up for a fun and partial detox:
My old boss George Butterfield says life is too short to drink bad wine. You can get tons of amazing wine for under $25. Just ask the pros and they’ll deliver (that is if you buy by the case). B&W Wines and Rogers & Company. Tell them Trish sent you.
Drink good coffee. That means fresh beans, freshly roasted (sustainably grown and sourced), freshly ground, freshly brewed – French press style. You can bet I’ll have Merchants of Green’s Solar blend on hand mornings at my seasonal pop ups.
Book your work outs like meetings. Find the places you love (Moksha Yoga Uptown, Totum, Torq, and Buddha Rider when in Collingwood) and book ahead. Carve out a consistent time, get it in the calendar and honour that time. Then find the teachers you love. It’s like dating. Find the one(s) you love, then stick with them.
Load your smoothies with the good stuff (spirulina, hemp, flax) and take your supplements (magnesium, fish oil; frankincense I’m told is the king of oils and promotes peace and relaxation), but don’t replace your meal with drink. Drinking your food won’t curb your hunger. On ‘cooking’, if it’s homemade – not prepared – you’re ahead of most others. If it’s local and fresh you’re doing well. If it’s organic when it makes sense, raw more than cooked, and limited in refined sugar – then you’ll be glowing.
Get your Vitamin D. Get outside. Pump up your bike tires, borrow your kids scooter, take your work call walking around the block, borrow someone’s dog to stroll the beltline or ravine to Brickworks in the early am or grab lunch and stroll the Distillery. Vitamin D is there for the taking.